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A revolutionary free app that lets you link your complete address with GPS location to your mobile phone number.

Do you have a long address that is difficult to share every time? Or Is it difficult to search and navigate with google maps?

Do you have to communicate and spell every time you share your address with your guests, relatives and friends?

We present ADDNUM: My mobile number is my address number

Go to Addnum App, create your digital address and link it with your mobile phone number. And it is done.

Now, your contacts can look up your address in the ADDNUM app to navigate up to your doorstep.

Chose security/Privacy feature like

- Show your digital address to your contacts only.

- Show to any single contact only 

- Show to none or all.

- Many others

Don’t you want to share your address from the phone number? No Problem, share your ADDNUM code to share the address without sharing your phone number.

ADDNUM would increase your efficiency in that direction with the widest range of accurate address linked with mobile number and ADDNUM code. Now your family, friends, and relatives can search your address with the help of your mobile number, make sure they have ADDNUM on their phones and linked their address with the mobile number using ADDNUM mobile app. 

Navigating with the help of mobile number is Short, Easy and Quick. Alphanumeric identification of your digital address linked with your mobile number makes you more mobile with less sweat. 

Another feature of ADDNUM mobile app is Create Multiple Location Route Planner

When one has to visit many places and there is an increased need for the last-mile accuracy of navigation, this app provides an easy solution. One can feed in as many numbers of ADDNUMs that one has to visit and relax while the app suggests the easiest route across all of them. This is an excellent tool for pick-ups & deliveries.

It’s Simple, Quick and Easy-to-use.

What you can do with ADDNUM:

• Create Digital Address Number or ADDNUM code and link it with your mobile number.

• Design Multiple Location Route Plan for navigation to multiple locations using ADDNUM codes.

• Reach an Address which doesn’t even have a street address.

• Ecommerce/Logistics companies can increase the number of deliveries per day by using Addnum.

• A Very Helpful tool for night delivery services owing to precise address navigation…saves the pain of night address hunting 

• Share using WhatsApp, SMS, Facebook, and Messaging 

• Use Globally, anytime, anywhere with no Geographical restrictions

ADDNUM: My mobile number is my address number